Artist's Statement about
Rossi Royale Railways
by Robin Rossi

The world of travel and imaginary places lies deep within my heart. The opportunity to gain a glimpse of various cultures is a gift indeed and one, which I hope to enjoy in the future.

I would love to be an artistic butterfly on walls in Athens, Beijing, Istanbul, London, Madrid, Paris, Peking, and the list goes on. Travel broadens our realm of consciousness and reality whether it comes to us from travel, documentaries, books or our own imagination!

I found the concept of train travel intriguing thanks to the numerous books, films, plays and stories that have taken place on an historic railway, The Orient Express. I envision train travel as the perfect venue to leisurely absorb the environment offered, savor it, absorb it, and move on to the next horizon while observing the yet undiscovered areas around you.

I have created The Rossi Royale Railways for a fun adventure. Take a look at the pages in my specially designed book to figure out where we’re going!




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